팝업레이어 알림



Not only in quality management and certification but also in terms of
environmental management and certification, O-ZONE will go ahead towards a new level
  • Toothbrush Three times a day, within three minutes after a meal, for more than three minutes / The 333 rule of toothbrushing. Do with O-ZONE!
  • Interdental brush Only toothbrushing is not enough to remove all the dental plaques and bacteria between teeth. / An essential product for healthy teeth
  • Dental floss Cleanly remove all the remaining plaques / Completely remove as if teeth and gums are washed!

New Products

Not only in quality management and certification but also in terms of
environmental management and certification, O-ZONE will go ahead towards a new level
  • 오죤로얄 닥터일회용 치실 500입
  • 오죤로얄 트리플에스 칫솔 20개입(색상랜덤발송)
  • 오죤로얄 닥터 에코칫솔 20개입
  • 오죤로얄 숨쉬는 칫솔 12개입
  • 오죤플러스 3중 멜트블로운 MB필터 일회용 데일리 마스크(5개 25SET 총 125개)
  • 오죤플러스 슬라이드 치간칫솔SSSS 5입
  • 오죤플러스 슬라이드 치간칫솔SSS 5입
  • 오죤플러스 슬라이드 치간칫솔SS 5입